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Class Rule Line Sizes - Tapering?

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I've searched the forum here and Google but haven't found anything specific...and have one more newby question. Regarding the class rules as they pertain to the minimum line sizes, does this prohibit tapering of the line down to a high tech core where it is not handled? For instance; the boom vang rule stipulates a line of not less than 4mm, can I strip and taper the line to it's 3mm (or 2.5mm) core where it just runs through sheaves or is this not acceptable? What if I put the system in a cascade? I've seen some photos where the cascade uses a small diameter high tech line.


You can not taper below the minimum diameter. Unless the rules say otherwise, you can take a cored line that is above the minimum diameter and taper it down to (but not below) the minimum. Generally, the class line diameter minimums are fairly large, so tapering isn't advisable. A couple of areas where I think it may be worthwhile are the tweakers and the vang line which have smaller minimum diameters. Of course, if you use a cascade instead of a block and tackle on the vang, you can use minimum diameter uncored spectra for the 2:1 and 4:1 parts and a length of above-minimum cored line for the 8:1 line that is handled.


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