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J22 Narragansett Bay Championship

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The J/22 fleet of Narragansett bay has created a J/22 Narragansett Bay Championship. The 2016 Narragansett Bay J/22 Champion will be determined by the best 3 of 4 scores in the regattas listed below. There will be a perpetual trophy awarded to the winner. Each of the regattas is a two day event with separate J/22 one design classes. While the Wickford regatta and J-fest regatta are traditional one-design only regattas, both the EGYC and Conanicut regattas are combination events with a pursuit race on one day and around the buoys races the second day. North Sails J/22 expert Mike Marshall will be running a free J/22 clinic in conjunction with the Wickford regatta. The clinic is scheduled for Friday June 10 beginning at 2pm at Wickford Yacht Club. Charter boats will be available for each event through East Bay Sailing Foundation (www.EastBaySailingFoundation.org/) and through Greenwich Bay Sailing Association (www.GBSA.info). Anyone seeking additional info may contact us through our facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/NBJ22/ or email Dave Wehr dwehr@nichenet.com

o Wickford Regatta (June 11-12) - wickfordregatta.com

o EGYC Annual Regatta (July 16-17) - www.egycregatta.com

o J Fest New England (Aug 13-14) - http://www.yachtscoring.com/emenu.cfm?eID=1463

o Conanicut Regatta (Sept 3-4) - http://www.conanicutyachtclub.org/ATI.aspx




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