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Traveler - Best way to work when tacking?

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What is a good sequence to move the traveler to the new correct position in light winds when the traveler is up near the bench seat during a tac?


I can't seem to find a sequence that works and end up with the traveler low after the tac and then i'm late bringing it up to the new side. During the tack should I just be concentration and moving the traveler in conjunction with the tack?



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The best answer I have is, have Chris do it!


CD will need to chime in with the definitive answer, but I think the traveller comes up when we all move to the new windward side to flatten ( roll tacking)..h. I'm pretty sure he pulls it up as he is sitting down.

I don't look back much, so I might be be very, very wrong...

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We determined a few years ago that we should pull the traveller to weather after we flatten. Otherwise the mainsail is not working in harmony with the kinetics program. I won't explain my faux-science, but the steps are:


1. Make sure the traveller is cleated on the leeward side (we use a cleat on the seat for that: look at the pictures of other boats elsewhere on this site).


2. Stand up.


3. Start to tack.


4. Release the traveller from the weather (soon to be old weather) cleat.


5. You stand to weather (soon to be old weather/new leeward) as the boat rolls. You can hold onto the leech of the mainsail for support.


6. Once the jib fills on the new leeward (old weather) side, cross to the new weather side.


7. Sit down as you and the crew roll the boat to vertical.


8. Once the boat is vertical, yank the traveller to weather to its new position.

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I use the Harken Micro Traveler Cam Bracket that is designed for J/22s and Sonars. If you are not familiar with it, it has both a horizontal and vertical cam cleat on each side mounted on an L-bracket. The leeward traveler sheet does not need to be cleated. The windward traveler is set into the vertical cam for easy adjustment. As I begin to move across the tack, I release the windward sheet and set the leeward traveler into the horizontal cam as the traveler car slides down and approaches what will be the new setting. Once I have tacked and I have moved to the (new) windward side, I reset the traveler into the vertical cam cleat on the new side for convenient adjustment.


Actually, this part of the tack becomes second nature. Telling you how to move the traveler takes more time to say it than to do it, but it is quick, controllable, and smooth.

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